Brownhills West Primary School

Votes for School

'Votes for Schools' is delivered at Brownhills West to enhance our children's view of themselves and the world around them. The weekly lessons and assemblies are based on topical issues that address multiple curriculum areas such as SMSC, PSHE and British Values.

 The delivery of the lessons and assemblies ensure that children are informed about current affairs and are provided with a wealth of knowledge to support their understanding. The children are then given the opportunity to make an informed decision when casting their vote for the question of debate for the week.

 One popular question for discussion in KS2 was: 'should under-18s be given criminal records?' This topic was widely debated within classes and in assembly. Children were surprised to learn about the offences which could lead to a potential criminal record, reinforced by the visits from our local PCSOs. 

 Votes for Schools This link will take you to the official website.

Votes for Schools Topic Calendar

2023-24 Topic Calendar Primary